Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Putting the Ass back into Assertive

How do you pronounce my name? Sha-lee-nee? Sha-la-ni? Shlini?
Well, if you know me, you’ll know I really don’t give a damn. You can call me Mary and ask me about my lamb for all I care. I’ve had different reactions over the years to my apparent ‘anglicised’ pronounciation of my name, and I’ve had people accusing me of rejecting my heritage (wtf!), so I’ve gotten to the point where I usually go by Charlotte when I’m ordering coffee at my local Starbucks.

Now my new intern sits me down and asks me how to pronounce my name properly. She says, “Isn’t it meant to be Sha-la-ni? Isn’t that the correct Indian pronounciation?”. I’m like, “um, yeah, whatever”. So she goes, ‘So its Shal-la-ni?’. Me = “Um. Its Shalini”. She goes “Oh. You know what, you should really be more assertive about things like that, you need to stand up for yourself”.
It is such a stupid stupid myth that people who are not assertive cannot get anything done. They do, they just do it quietly.
So to all assertive people everywhere. Stop it. I don’t want to! GO AWAY!!!


Anonymous said...

You could always change your name to Ethanette. That would make it easier for everyone.

Sue-Lyn said...

Just tell them that your name is Loo.

I think for simplification's sake, you should legally change your name to Loo.

ps: saw thiratooveema yesterday. she looks good :)

Suds said...

Isn't your name just pheonetic?

Suds said...

Man... I can't even spell phonetic.

(i always thought there was an extra 'e' in there)

panini said...

Eet ees!! eet EES just phonetic. gaah.
And no, I'm not changing my name to Ethanette.
or Loo... I don't really see how that would make anything simpler, it would only add new and more exciting complications.

Anonymous said...

I think you should stop worrying about your name, and give that resident a new name - like 'dickhead'. Or 'cuntface'. I will write it in Tamil if she wants to be sure of pronunciation.

Anyway, we all know who the real coconut is (teehee! Coco...hehehe)

panini said...

hehehehe. COCO!
the aforementioned resident has become incredibly nice to me now. so much for being more assertive.