Saturday, April 15, 2006

Snail's Super Sunday!!!!!! brought to you by Panini.

A belated happy Tamil new year to you all!
Now all the kids at temple were talking about this comic, Russell Peters. I was sceptical because kids at temple also like RnB and wear coloured contacts (we know your eyes are brown, you halfwits!)
He's a Canadian comedian, with an Indian background, and a lot of his material is based on his experiences being brown.
But he really is super hilarious! The video is here...
The first 5 minutes are drab but it quickly picks up - the last 15 minutes of the show are absolute gold.
I think it is quite accessible for curries, non-curries and even coconuts.


panini said...

Hehehehe. Russell Peters = funny man. Why isn't he at the friggin comedy festival?
Meanwhile. I was thinking of getting coloured contacts, for wearing when I want to a)freak people out b)meet new people and want to confuse them
'Where are you from?'
'Oh. And originally, you're Indian?'
'Hehehehehee. I have blue eyes. Am I Indian?'
'Um. Oh. Um. Yeah, so anyway.'


I didn't know wanting coloured contacts made me a total wanker :(

Anonymous said...

Don't do it!

Just say no - unless you get some which like make your eyes look yellow or red or like a cat's - now that would be freaky.

If you look on his website, he's meant to come out in July.

Suds said...

i hate it when people use the word curry - i mean, people are not actually curries are they?

That being said... Russell Peters = funny

Anonymous said...

i'll say it once and i'll say it a million times over:

