Friday, May 19, 2006

Now Listening...

Phoenix It's Never Been Like That
Love most of the tracks on this album, but then in my eyes, Phoenix can do no wrong... I loved 'Too Young' from Lost in Translation, and have been obsessed with Phoenix ever since. If you like Cut Copy, you can't not like Phoenix. My favourite from this album is probably Consolation Prizes, its way rock-ier than their usual and more reminiscent of old tracks off United and Alphabetical like If I Ever Feel Better and If It's Not With You. The lovely video for Long Distance Call, directed by Roman Coppola, is on their website

Gnarls Barkley St.Elsewhere
Ok, so I've been totally out of the loop since I've stopped listening to the radio. My iPod has replaced Triple J :( So when I 'discovered' Gnarls Barkley, I was politely informed that this discovery was somewhat belated. Better late than never, though. Gnarls reminds me how much I love to dance... Try staying stationary when Go-Go Gadget Gospel is playing. Pure sugar! Listen to it RIGHT NOW on

Hot Chip Warning
Yes!! Something new to wake me up in the morning!
I have been waking up to Mylo for god knows how long now, so some new tracks are muchly welcome. Hot Chip have supported Mylo, LCD Soundsystem and Goldfrapp, so they are in good company- definitely more in the Cut Copy vein. Plus..their name is yummy!! MMMM. Hot Chips. The album may not be entirely um.. properly released maybe wait a while before you hit JB :)

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