Saturday, May 06, 2006

Requiem for a Mix Tape

"Now the making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art. Many dos and don'ts. First of all, you're using someone else's poetry to express how you feel. This is a delicate thing."

I was at the hairdresser the other day and read an article about how mix tapes are the new love letters. And by mix tape, they meant Mix CD.
I remember when I used to be so Old Skool and spend hours making mix tapes.. from my incredibly limited music collection. I now have music on my computer that I don't believe I've ever listened to. And yet I can't remember the last time I mixed something for someone.
Is the Mix Tape really Dead?

"When all words fail she speaks
her mix tape's a masterpiece."
- Kate, Ben Folds
"I tried my best to leave this all on your
Machine but the persistent beat it sounded
Thin upon listening
That frankly will not fly. you will hear
The shrillest highs and lowest lows with
The windows down when this is guiding you home"
-Such Great Heights, Postal Service

More on this....

The Mix Tape
The Lost Art of Meaningful Mix Tapes
PCs Killed the Mix Tape Star


Anonymous said...

Make me a mix tape.

panini said...

eek! okay

Anonymous said...

NOW! Where is it???

panini said...

it is done!! finished! :P