Friday, July 07, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane

Well I'm finally off to London tomorrow morning.
Somewhat apprehensive :)

Although I have no internet access at my accommodation there, that's hardly going to stop me- as you all know, I will DIEEEEEEEEEEEE without Da Net.
I've discovered an online travel journal site that I intend to use at some point on my trip, so check that if you're remotely interested in what I'm up to.
Ciao for now,



Anonymous said...

YAY! Have fun. Go to the Tower of Londen. It's cool.

Suds said...

Wow... where's the Tower of Londen? I've never been there before, it sounds super awesome.

Just one question, is it anything like the Tower of London?

Anonymous said...

Have been to the Tower of London, don't think I've been to the one in Londen- am sure its awesome, though :)
My hospital is across from the Houses of when I don't have my watch on me, I just listen for the Big Ben. How weird is that?
- panini

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.