Monday, July 17, 2006

R.I.P Mogwai

My iPod decided to wipe its hard drive a couple of days ago. Like, out of nowhere, for no apparent reason. The folks at the Genius Bar at the Apple Centre were characteristically unhelpful and offered to fix my battery for £49 or look at the hard drive for £170. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH MY BLOODY BATTERY OR MY HARD DRIVE YOU EEJITS! My music is goneeeeeeeeeeeee. Interestingly enough, the French translation programme in my Notes folder is still intact. Why take my music and leave me with French???? Gaah.
This has left me entirely without music for the foreseeable future- and ironically, I decided to pack my iPod speakers for the trip, too. They sit on my table and mock me.
Have pity on my musicless soul and pray for me, one and all.


Anonymous said...

Poor thing!

WHat did you do to it???


You must have killed him! You just want a new one!

Anonymous said...

Awww! :( Poor thing :( I feel for you.

panini said...

I didn't do nuthin to it! What are you implying? That I want a nano? hehehehehehe.
Maybe I can 'lose it' and claim insurance. Can I?

Anonymous said...

NO! You need to do an appropriate mourning time before you can move on!

Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.