Friday, September 29, 2006

Because I am awake and noone else is

Jetlag is so evil. I wonder if anyone's actually died from it. If they worked with heavy machinery, perhaps. I was just getting on top of it in KL, and then the flight back to Melbourne has made my sleep run away even further.

Meanwhile. I trek all the way across Europe without losing anything, and as soon as I get back, I lose my mobile phone. How genius am I? I got my new baby pretty. Could you all please email me your numbers if you wish me to ever contact you again. And I still haven't christened it yet, so if anyone has any dubious prospective names for it, let me know.

I am jealous that Beck and Jen and other LiveJournal bloggers get to write what they're currently listening to and what their current moods are. I think I should get to do it too. I'm setting up my own section at the end of each post where I can enter my own listening and reading preferences and state of mind (albeit, entering it manually).
So for the first time ever...

Currently listening: Guillemots "Trains to Brazil"
Currently reading: Amy Tan "Saving Fish from Drowning"
Current mood: Tired. Why won't you come, sleep? Are we friends no longer?

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