Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hellooooo from Heathrowwwwww

Greetings munchkins!! Am baccccck. Not en route...its 5am and I'm at a ridiculously priced internet cafe at Heathrow Airport. I have managed to entertain myself for the last...oh, five hours or so... but I can't check in for another 4 hours, so I'm afraid I've caved in. I need to blow the rest of my euro anyway. I have assorted coinage... euros, kronors (Swedish, Czech AND Slovakian *sigh*) and some sterling left. All the good stuff is in duty free, past security and check in, though. Grr.
Managed to repack somewhat. Bit afraid. Despite all my shopping, I managed to whittle down my bag to about 22kg (major accomplishment!). But I have two bottles of ETOH in my backpack that are possibly going to relieve themselves of their contents all over my brand new clothes. Meep.
This airport is strangely crowded for this hour. After half the Indian population of London attempted to strike up conversation with me at like 2am, I stuck my earplugs in and stared pointedly at my book.

Sample conversation
Random Indian male: So are you going to India?
Me: No.
R.I.M: Where are you going?
Me: Malaysia.
R.I.M: Oh really?? I am going to New York.
Me: Oh.
R.I.M: So are you on holiday here?
Me: Studying, travelling.
R.I.M: So are you living in Malaysia?
Me: Yes.
R.I.M: You don't look Malaysian (*for the ethnically uninitated, THIS is the punchline)
Me: I am.
R.I.M: You look Indian.

Me: Yes, I'm Indian Malaysian.
R.I.M: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Me: I'm going to read my book now. *smile. look away*

Incidentally, there are six flights to NY before midday (when my flight leaves). WTF. Why do people need to go to NY so much?

I've had a couple of blogpost ideas while on holiday, but I haven't had time to post. So this is a superbumpermegapost, if you will. Excuse my grammar and punctuation by the way. I have like.... zombie-eyes.

Music for Trains, Planes and Automobiles
I've been listening to lots of stuff on my iPod here that I never listen to back home. It's coloured my trip, and been coloured by my trip. I remember when I came to the UK 2 years ago, I didn't have an iPod, and had a teeny 128Mb mp3 player. I had a 30 song playlist... but now everytime I listen to one of those tracks, it reminds me of the holiday I had.
This holiday I've been listening to:

- Zero 7
- The Shins
- Regina Spektor
- Phoenix
- Rilo Kiley

Movie People
Cat and I had this conversation AGES ago, about who would play us in a movie adaptation of our autobiographies. Is tough, yknow. Do you go with someone who looks like you? Who plays characters who are like you? Who you are in lurve with?
I found it way easier to pick people for you guys than for myself. Cat picked Reese Witherspoon for herself, I think.

Jeannie: Kiersten Dunst

Lolo: Renee Zellweger
Sbeck: Maggie Gyllenhaal
Ailin: Salma Hayek
Suds: Zach Braff

And for me... I couldn't decide in the end. My finalists were:
- Jennifer Connelly (my favourite of the lot, I think)
- Rachel Weisz

- Scarlett Johannson (this was my pick for...but I love her!)
- Helena Bonham Carter (again, because she is way cool. my life is way too boring for her to play)
- Audrey Tatou (coz Lolo thinks I dress like Amelie? weak, I know)
Who do you think should play me?

Time's running out. The bloody video game machine next to me is a Bob-the-Builder type fiasco. It keeps going... CAN WE FIX IT??? I'll fix you in a second, mate.
What can I do for the next four hours.... helppppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I will attempt to illustrate my travel journal, perhaps. Maybe go change in the bathrooms (have already changed three times... into PJs, out of PJs..too cold... into jeans... out of jeans... into cardi... etcetera. Have whole wardrobe at disposal. Maybe this time I will accessorize). There is a cute male half asleep in the departure lounge, perhaps I should go walk up and down in front of him a couple of times with my trolley till he wakes up. Perhaps not. I do not wish to TALK to people. Going nutso!

I had a macchiato at 11.30 at Cafe Costa at Stansted. I think its time to pay Starbucks a visit, now, don't you?

i. cannot. believe. i. have. a. fourteen. friggin. hour. flight. after. this.....
wish me luck,


Anonymous said...

I choose Helena Bonham Carter in Amelie's wardrobe!

I think you have everyone's movie star down pat - except mine!

I'm a wee bit disappointed with your choice - Zellwegger's so cutesy! I'm like hardcore and totally badass. I think Robert DeNiro should portray me in a movie - you know, the right combination of crazy and bad-assness and hardcore-ness.

Looking forward to seeing you back Pans - although I will be AWOL until October 6 - THESIS IS DUE!

After that, I will be passed out in a gutter from exhaustion. But ecstatic to see you nonetheless. :D

panini said...

Woohoo, now both you and Jeannie have picked HBC, she's in the lead.
I picked Renee for you coz you like her, and she's got awesome clothes. She's not cutesy!
Besides, there is no female version of Robert DeNiro... is there?
Looking forward to seeing you too :)