Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I Am In Love With This Man

... and he loves someone else

Jeannie and I went to see DBC Pierre at Readings today, with all the other nerdy-nerdy-nerds. I was probably the only person in the room who hadn't successfully read EITHER of his books. But this man remains one of the only people I want to 'have dinner with'. I dared Jeannie to write 'What does DBC stand for?' on her book. And he signed it "To Jeannie, With Love, From Your Lover, Dirty But Clean". Jeannie and I were all giggly. I am kicking myself that I didn't have anything to say to him despite him being the only person I ever wanted to meet- well, I said "cheers". And smiled.

Youth may have its virtues, but they're lost on me. We apparently look better and dress better than our aged counterparts- aesthetics have never been my strong point though. Forty is where its at, baby.

And he's inspired a whole new philosophy that I'm going to try to follow to the letter- alcoholism.


Anonymous said...

He loves me! Hehehe. *goes all giggly again*

Anonymous said...

he has a pizza face.

panini said...

i know, pizza-face, i know :(