Friday, April 14, 2006

La Colonie Des Esclaves De L'Homme

The Colony of Man-Slaves 2006 *
Girls usually give guys hell about how chauvinistic they are, how they can spend hours discussing the physical characteristics of the opposite sex. However. At the risk of betraying my race, I think girls are not a whole lot different..
It took the concerted and combined efforts of Laveniya, Jeannie and I to come up with this list of candidates- judged entirely on aesthetic appeal. We had 10 finalists for the 'Main Island', with a 'Reserve Team' of 5. We ALSO had individual satellite islands with our own 10 choices- which shall remain confidential.
Mostly because my island has been referred to as 'The Island of The Freaks'.
And the winners/ eye-candy options are...

Johnny Depp
Ewan Mcgregor
(geezuz. check out this photo. am SUCH a sucker for a guy in glasses)
Jude Law
Rupert Everett
Marat Safin
James McAvoy
Mathieu Kassovitz
Howlin' Pelle Almqvist
Gael Garcia Bernal
Ed Norton
*sounds so much cooler in French.

The Top Five- Lines From A Film
Watching High Fidelity last night put me in mind of the days when I used to make extensive lists of my Top Fives. We recently did that email thingy of stills from our favourite movies.. I think its time to renew it, with our favourite lines from films.
Here's one to start everyone off- guess which movie :)
(Suds, you're banned from guessing)

-You're an idiot. You know that. You know if you looked in the dictionary next to the word "idiot" you know what you'll find?

-A picture of me?
-NO!The definition of the word "idiot". Which you are.


Anonymous said...

that's kiss kiss bang bang! I loved that movie so much!

One of my favourites (not hard to guess)
"What is this, a centre for ants? How can we be expected to teach kids how to read if they can't even fit inside the building?"

panini said...

Zoolander!! hehehehehe.
I only watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang yesterday :( Spent the entire movie going "Why didn't anyone tell me how awesome this movie was?!"
Gay Perry has to be one of the coolest characters ever.

Anonymous said...

heeheehee..Zoolander is le awesome and now I want to see kiss kiss bang bang!

Snail's favourite movie quote:
"I want this guy dead! I want his family dead! I want his house burned to the ground! I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on his ashes!"

Anonymous said...

Oh snail, you have to see that movie! In fact, we should all watch it together - I saw it when it was out at the movies, in November or something, so I have forgotten a lot of it.

I loved the scene where harry pees on the corpse. Also the russian roulette scene.

Anonymous said...

I want to see KKBB :'( And also SOAMFP (see if you can work that one out FF! teehee)

By the way - everyone has to update their blogs more often!
I am procrastinating when doing my bloody lit review (BLR).

Anonymous said...

I cannot work that one out :(. But I updated my blog :)

Anonymous said...

Shame on you FF!

now i will check your blog

Hurrah for procrastination!

Anonymous said...

oh. I am not good at SLA (six letter acronyms).