Friday, April 07, 2006

RealityTV is replacing my reality

I've spent alot of time at home over my current rotation- mostly as a result of hurting my back, but I can't say that my hatred of Emergency hasn't played a big role. Meanwhile, that leaves me with empty empty hours... what better way to fill them than with America's Next Top Model, Survivor, The Amazing Race and other downloadable reality crap. I acknowledge that the brainpower required to watch these shows is zip. But that's the attraction, isn't it?
Unfortunately (or not?), I'm beginning to lose touch with my own sad reality. Its a far more palatable option to immerse myself in the trials of the girls on ANTM, than to face up to the nothing-to-do-on-Friday-night that is my life. And ANTM is up there with eBay in terms of immersion-potential, trust me. I feel I know Furonda and Jade better than my own friends.
Guess what? I just discovered that Phil, the host of the Amazing Race, has a Race Blog. I need to tell my mum. She has a major crush on this guy.


Anonymous said...

Well, I have become addicted to 'The Biggest Loser'. The problem is, it's on after Neighbours, and at 7 o clock (which is 'we better do the dishes but we don't feel like it' time). So those things combined naturally led to a couple of accidental watchings. And it only takes one or two watchings of those shows before you are a hardcore addict.

As for knowing tv characters better than friends...I am trying to think of a couple of things you may not know about me but may know about ANTM girls, and then enlighten you. Hm. I have never thrown up after eating (other than when I've had gastro). And I once went skinny dipping with friends.

panini said...

I've watched a couple of episodes of Biggest Loser. It's getting exciting. Did you know, when contestants are immune from elimination, they water-load so they weigh more- and then their weight loss the NEXT week counts for more?? Shocking.
Thank you for those enlightening insights, by the way. I did not know that about you- NOR the ANTM girls.