Saturday, June 03, 2006

Snail's Super Sunday is Back!!!

So my cousin was watching “The Sound of Music” yesterday. And it inspired me to write a list of my least favourite things.
Snail’s list of least favourite things (in no particular order):
Waking up early, people who doctor bash, people who kiss arse, people who pretend that their lives are out of a Brett Easton Ellis novel, rude waiters, naggy shop assistants, waiting on hold, administrators / receptors / personal assistants / human resources people, Peter Costello, Nickelback, people who don’t like fart jokes, people who take too long to tell stories, people who would rather watch ‘The Daily Show’ than ‘The Chaser’, people who go on and on and on and on about overseas trips, people who think that unions are obsolete, wet-to-dry straighteners, four wheel drives, bottle blondes, James Blunt, naturopaths / homeopaths / chiropractors, girls who ignore their friends to talk to boys, juice with pulp, commercial radio, spam, pop-up ads, the English Cricket team (especially Michael Vaughan and his smirk), mobile ringtone ads, the fact that boys are still trying to imitate the mohawk cut that David Beckham had last World Cup…..
I’m sure I could think of more.
Please take this as inspiration to make your own lists. I am interested during the times that I don’t spend gazing at my navel.


Anonymous said...

My number one least favourite thing is people who interfere with what I want. This includes:
- Loud people (eg obnoxious Box Hill third years, trumping all others in their obnoxiousness)
- People pushing in front of me in gigs
- People being slow
- People stopping without warning
- People who pay by EFTPOS for things under $20
- Administrative staff
- Librarians
- People who aren't punctual

I also hate girls trying to dress like celebrities (eg avril, brittney etc), girls who buy clothes from supre, fat girls who wear horizontal stripes and those that fit all of the above criteria.

I hate snide remarks and passive-aggressive comments.

Oh! Now I've gotten started I feel like I could go on forever!!

guess who?

panini said...

sbeck? :)

my rant list is muchly similar to yours. ESPECIALLY the people stopping without warning. also...
- people who stand up close to you
- people who ask you about your 'background' (teehee)
- incorrect spelling
- skinny jeans and denim miniskirts and double-denim-ing and non-matching socks and hoodies-AND-hats-simultaneously and shades indoors

and lolo... what are receptors? *grin* and how can you hate juice with pulp? i LURVE juice with pulp

Anonymous said...

receptors? omg i cant believe i wrote that.


people who invade my private bubble also irk me, pans.

i had you at obnoxious third years beck (your sis told me they like to encourage you when doing IVs teehee!)

Anonymous said...

I also hate people that only go one or two floors in a lift, thereby making the ride so much slower for everyone else. I don't care if you're in a wheelchair, STOP BEING LAZY AND TAKE THE STAIRS

Anonymous said...

but the stairs are too hard!


I also hate easy listening AM radio. And rats that bite. ANd mice, period.