Monday, July 24, 2006

Resurrection and Hope

Mogwai is alive!!!

Cat and I decided to learn some French before our European escapade, so I hooked up my iPod to my speakers and turned on my French translate-y thingy... and what do you know... my music is back! All my music!! Is a MIRACLE.

In other news. I got Eastern Health for next year... not quite such a miracle, but I guess this means I get to stay in Melbourne at least, and am not jobless.



Anonymous said...

YAY! Congrats :) Michael and Catherine are there too. I got into the Alfred :D YAY!

Sue-Lyn said...

Congrats Loo!!! Yay!

Is Eastern Boxhill?

Well, my two buddies are unmatched :(

panini said...

Yes, Eastern = Box Hill.... and eeeeps, why unmatched? How evil! Travesty!! (am shaking my fist in the air, you can imagine)

Sue-Lyn said...

Apparently it was not a good year for international students this year. I know 6 people so far who aren't matched.

Well, second round coming out next Monday... Also interstate :(

A couple of Jag's friends: Kaz and James are going to be your fellow interns in Boxhill next year.

Ick, your rave sounded terrible (mainly your fellow ravers, the music sounds good). I'm surprised you stayed, I would have been on the next return train! But then again, I don't go to raves.