Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

After much inner turmoil and debate, I finalised my CPL today- the schtooooopid preference listing for internship placements. I swear, people should publish a strategy guide for this thing..for example, some of the conversations I've had in the last two weeks:

So..did you apply to Frangers?

Yeah, its my backup option.
But what if you get it?
I know. I know. What if! Well its like 10th on my CPL.
Yes, but what if you get it!! Or WORSE. What if you get it on first round, and something at Southern opens up on second?


So are you putting The Alfred down as first, then?
Hah. Like they TOLD me to in their application form? Helllllll no, cocky bastards.
But then you won't get it, right? Coz they only take people who put it down as first.
If you put it down as second, you won't stand a chance.

Mmm. I have soldiered through my state of confusion, and completed my CPL based entirely on a) suburb and b) availability of good coffee... So the winner is (by far).. RMH!!!! Wheeeeee. Congratulations, good people of Melbourne Health.


Anonymous said...

Gah! I wanted to escape this process but now I have only delayed it and am not looking forward to it. :(

In other news, I have just eaten a 230g pack of doritos and a tub of sundried tomato dip.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!