Wednesday, December 27, 2006

On SamuraiPenguin in 2007

I've been watching ALOT of telly recently (are you surprised).... and I'm intrigued by all the ads for shows starting in 2007. Channel 7 appears to have the edge on the market, with Heroes and Ugly Betty. God only knows what 9 is doing,there is some long-winded ad playing for Kidnapped (?).. and for some reason, 10 doesn't even have any ads. Hmmm...tricksssssy. Well I am onto your sneaky ways, TV-moguls. I am one, no TWO steps ahead of you, and have downloaded all available episodes of Ugly Betty AND Heroes. Heroes, in particular, is killing me- you evil evil EVILASSES, I shake my fist at you. How dare you restart the season on January 27?!! What will I do!?! *sigh*

Is time for resolutions again. I think I may have made one last year but I can't remember what it is. Is fun, for a while. Its part of the whole back-to-school, new-notebook, colour-coded-stationery, I-shall-have-an-organiser spirit.

This year, I think I shall resolve to take one photograph every single day (I fear this is going to die out fairly quickly). AND! In addition. I will resolve to take a photo of a STRANGER at least once a week. I am attempting to get over my fear of photographing people- ie. people I don't know. I scared. I am in constant fear of looking silly, of being embarrassed. But I think I may be testing the limits of architectural photography in Melbourne CBD. I certainly think I'm testing the limits of the people looking at my flickr. So!!! More people-pix. Fine. OHHH! And the biggest resolution of all (I'm getting carried away here, yes?) I wish to have a life next year. Everyone tells me it is impossible. But I wrote it on my resume, I said it in my interviews, I SHALL DO IT. I vill have a life.

Anyway, that's what's in store for me. What is in store for you?

In other news, I am planning on relocating from blogspot to Vox in 2007, so this may be one of my last posts here. Farewell :)

Currently listening: Cansei De Ser Sexy
Currently reading: JG Ballard "Empire of the Sun"
Current mood: Lazy

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