Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bumper Blogpost: How I've been spending my time....

New photos!
I got myself a brand new baby, currently christened Kit (it said so on the box!). Its a Nikon D40, apparently an 'entry level DSLR'.. for entry-level wannabes like me :)
The products of our time together are on my flickr


My mum and I went down to Bairnsdale to check out where I'm to be drafted off to, come January. While the hospital and the town lived up to expectations- there's a gym, a kickboxing studio, a gourmet deli and at least one Chinese takeaway- our experience was entirely coloured by the shroud of smoke that cloaked the town. We eventually gave up trying to enjoy the scenery and I retreated to the spa. Also, we had kangaroos outside our cottage!! I fed them.

Totally dataROCKED. I would not sing along to 'I had the time of my life' for anyone else. Scandinavian boys have the market on wit and style and absolute cuteness, in my eyes :) It's been forever since I last went to a gig...okay, not forever, I went to heaps overseas. But yknow, 's been a while. Felt a lil' bit old though, and antsy. Has the slippery slippery slope to thirty-year-old-oblivion begun?? Alas. I shall fight on and get myself all psyched up for Plump DJs and NYE.

PS2: Okami
And to be entirely honest, what I've done most (and almost exclusively) these play Okami on my PS2. It has beautiful cel-shaded graphics and an awesome soundtrack. I'm obsessed. I went into withdrawal while we were away, I can't stop thinking about brush techniques and how I have to save people. *sigh*

Nevermind, my inner nerd shall only exhibit herself in the absence of other, better, more socially-acceptable activities. Feel free to suggest some, I dare you.

That said.... back to Okami and the next village of helpless elderly people I have to wrench from the jaws of death (hmm. sounds a little bit like Bairnsdale next year. eek)

PS. Anyone watch the O.C Tuesday night? Taylor and her blogging and all her emoticon-speak...hilaaaarious!!!
(Yes. I know inside I am still a sixteen year old. Sixteen and American)

Currently listening:
Air 'Cherry Blossom Girl'
Currently reading: Creative photography
Current mood: Hungreeeee. Is Hungry a mood? Should be. Needs an emoticon. HUNGRY.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new camera, I an currently reading the reviews, may be, I will get one myself too