Thursday, January 04, 2007

Best Album Covers?

A recent UK poll named The Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" the best album cover of all time. In response, Rolling Stone magazine is deploring the demise of album cover art in our generation- is true, I hardly ever know what the CD sleeves of an album look like anymore, 90% of my music comes to me straight off the internet.
But surely there are album covers that we know and love from our own lifetimes?

The UK's Top five favourite album sleeves are:

1. Beatles – Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
3. Rolling Stones – Sticky Fingers
4. Scissor Sisters – Scissors Sisters
5. Mike Oldfield – Tubular Bells
(yaay for the Scissor Sisters!)

I vote for Blur's The Best Of.
What are your fav album covers?

Currently reading: Mark Haddon A Spot of Bother
Currently listening: Black Keys Rubber Factory
Current mood:

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