Saturday, January 27, 2007

Motown makes me happy

Haven't posted for the longest time. Despite my concerted efforts to maintain a lifestyle, I've resigned myself to the fact it will have to remain outside of working hours- ie. on the weekend. I've been putting off posting till I get a photo of the hospital, but somehow, I'm never sufficiently inspired to take any. I'm a tad afraid that one of the staff will catch me lurking in the bushes outside ED, trying to get a good angle, and that they'll bundle me off to Psych triage.

Anyway, I daresay you'll survive without photos. Half of it is under construction. I've had to see patients with migraines in a room where the wall is literally vibrating from the machines next door.

I'm getting through it. There are days when I really enjoy what I do, and while they are rare, I treasure them, they were not anticipated. I still struggle with the fact that I'm not the most social of human beings, and I don't always fit in. Nevertheless, I like being busy, I like having a role, and accomplishing something. The quiet hours are painful. My first crisis, of sorts, was last week. A metaphysical crisis of confidence, rather than an actual crisis. I got through it, and I'm expecting more, but as long as the crises are outnumbered by the okay-days, I guess I'll be alright. At last count, I've seen 67 patients.... I'm considering presenting my 100th with a prize! Extra local anaesthetic, perhaps? A token shot of midazolam?
(Here's your chance, punters...get sick and come on down...)

Meanwhile. A couple of cool exhibitions are in town.

Mike Nelson's Lonely Planet at ACCA. Really really creepy, you should NOT go alone. Very atmospheric, and if art is meant to inspire emotion, this is super-art.
Also, there's a social documentary photography exhibition at the NGV that's quite interesting. Only one room of photos, but is free, and worth checking out.

In the last three weeks, I've watched... Pan's Labyrinth, Babel and Perfume.
Pan's was totally friggin awesome (I know, I would say that, its named after me *grin*...but really!). Not for the squeamish, not after dinner.
Babel was good. Not life-changing, as the reviewer from The Australian claimed, but still good. The Japanese chick is pure entertainment, she needs to be in a sequel.
Perfume was okay, sadly. Perhaps I was too excited pre-viewing, I had great expectations for this movie. It was incredibly difficult to translate to the screen, I guess, since the book was largely in the protagonist's head. It didn't quite strike the right chord, I didn't want for Grenouille, I didn't feel for him. It was pretty, though, and they cast the lead well.

Enough from me. I need to make sure my bandwidth is properly available for my Heroes episode to finish d/l. Farewell munchkins.

Currently reading: Audrey Niffenegger- The Time Traveler's Wife
Currently listening: The Shins- Wincing The Night Away
Current mood: Weary

PS. In a time when I'm unsure of many things, I am sure of this. Motown makes me happy.

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