Monday, August 20, 2007

OMG. Beard Papa!!!

There's a Beard Papa's in Melbourne, and its 5 minutes from my house!!!
Watch me as I turn into a giant real live cream puff.
Beard Papa's is this superawesome Japanese cream puff/ profiterole franchise, they recently opened in Mid Valley in KL and I overdose on it everytime I go home. They're sooooo sooooo good.
Now I have to pass Bread Top (Box Hill), Puffy (Box Hill Centro) AND Beard Papa's (Flinders/ Elizabeth) on the way home.
Life is just unfair.
tummy rumbles: Beard Papa hits Melbourne

Meanwhile. I'm loving my new surgical unit so far. Anyone who knows me knows how my character is diametrically opposed to that of a perfect surgeon. And I'm really REALLY bad with my hands. Day One of theatre: scrubbed, op almost over, attempt to remove retractey clawy things to try and be helpful. Shiny metal nut slides off long rod thing and bounces on the floor with a loud clang (what. it WAS a shiny metal nut, sliding off a long rod). Consultant surgeon dude smirks over at me- 'So. Generally we try not to drop things on the floor *grin*'. Yeah. I'm not so crash hot with the surgery thing.
So its just as well we've had an average of 2-3 patients all week. In fact today, we started with.. ONE. It is just bizarre. I am actually dying for work, I go around to all the other interns and beg. Please? Can I stick sticky labels on your path slips for you? Get you coffee? Play with me, please.
I assume it'll pick up this week somewhat, we're actually doing some surgery. Woo.

Other exciting things this week...
The Shout Out Louds!!! At the Corner this Friday. So superexcited!!! :P

And I'm working this Sunday. I'm terrified :( Everyone's been scaring me with their ward stories. I mean, its a Sunday. The F1 will be on telly, if nothing else. Right?

1 comment:

Suds said...

Are you just copying and pasting your blog posts into your Facebook notes?