Monday, September 03, 2007

What's your Top Five?

Experimenta Playground
I snuck off from work on a sunny sunny afternoon last week and joined Beck for a beer (or two, or three) by the river. And then we went to Experimenta Playground. I personally believe being mildly tipsy enhanced, rather than impaired, our exp
erience. Its an interactive art exhibition at the Arts Centre till 23 September, and everyone, EVERYONE should go. Its totally awesome! I haven't had so much fun in ages!!
My favourite exhibit was Philip Worthington's
Shadow Monsters. I swear, you won't be able to tear yourself away from this one. I think Beck and I may have gotten overexcited, coz the programme finally hung, and we had to leave :( I quite liked 'What's Yours Is Mine' as well, its this holographic bear going 'Nononononono!'. You have to be there to get it. I kept wanting to go 'NONONONO!' for hours after.
The giant clone babies in the teacups sitting outside, n
ear the Southgate entrance, are what draw people to the exhibition though. BabyLove. We didn't go on the teacups this time, some of them appeared to be malfunctioning. In fact, in quite an obscene introduction to the exhibition, some maintenance guy walked up to a baby and literally removed its upper torso and head to reveal all these wires and bits and pieces inside. This other girl waved around duct tape. I dunno. For a minute I thought it was all part of the exhibition and didn't say anything in case I showed how un-avant-garde I was. But then I realised it was just broken. I'm definitely going back to check out BabyLove though. You can upload your own music to it... I'm not doing it any justice here, so check out the website.


Went to The Shout Out Louds last week... while their album isn't 'new music' per se (the second album, Our Ill Wills, has been out since July), I still have to talk about them... because they were SOSOSOSO awesome. I know I sound like a sixteen year old American. But I love them so :S They had a brilliant set. And it was made even more brilliant by the fact that they were supported by Little Red. I heart Little Red
to bits, especially their insanely joyous headbopping drummer Taka. No pics this time, I didn't have the foresight to charge my camera, alas. Meanwhile. Top Five Bands. I talked to Beck about this last week and now I cannot stop thinking about it. What are my Top Five? Of All Time. Christ. It's a life defining thing, isn't it? I can't do it, really. But maybe I can come up with ten, and get some aid whittling it down. While I'm at it, I've come up with suggestions for my friends too! :P At least, the two or three friends I have that read this thing.... *Note: I am not including old-time-awesome bands, of course. Like The Kinks. I mean, c'mon, who doesn't like The Kinks!!


1. The Shins 2. Travis 3. The Arcade Fire 4. The Black Keys 5. Air 6. Radiohead 7. The Shout Out Louds (had to think long and hard about this one, but I can't kick them off) 8. Postal Service 9. Blur 10. Phoenix

Beck: 1. The Shins 2. Spoon 3. Augie March 4. The Dandy Warhols 5. The Mystery Jets

1. Ted Leo & The Pharmacists 2. Bloc Party 3. Foo Fighters 4. Oasis 5. Coldplay

Lolo: 1. Oasis 2. Radiohead 3. Rage Against The Machine (do you still like them? :S) 4. The Strokes 5. The Hives

Now, that has greatly taxed my brain. I'm not even gonna get started on Top Five Books, Top Five Movies, Top Five... *sigh*

And finally.....

Happy happy birthday Sbecky!!! :)

Current Mood: Guilty. Because work is so so slack. Because I get paid to eat free tim tams and watch daytime TV and *sigh* sleep. Because I don't go to the gym. Because the combination of tim tams, no work and no gym will turn me into one of my own patients. Because!!!
Currently Reading: Youth JM Coetzee (haven't been reading in a while, but now I've restarted, I'm intent on finishing this tonight)
Currently Listening: The Stage Names Okkervil River


Anonymous said...

How presumptuous of you!

Only kidding.

My top five that is asking too much of a girl who is all alone in a strange unforgiving place...

I will be back and think slowly and write slowly about this.

I dont know whether to join facebook. Hmmm. Is Beck on it?

Why am I writing here and not in an email?

I don't know. Internets is crazy.

Anonymous said...

Okay I couldn't resist making another comment, but top 5 bands...I mean, how do you decide? Is it showmanship via live performances, how well albums sit together (you know, how much you can listen from one end to the other) or capacity for killer singles?

This list would have to be so fluid. It can never be of all time, it can only ever be point in time. Admit it!

panini said...

Lolo, you gotsta join facebook. You're the last one left! Laura caved last week.
Yknow, like Beck says- how else is one meant to find out about the major events in their friends' lives?

And the Top Five list was incredibly painful.. I agree, its not definitive. If I was going by live performances, The Hives and The Prodigy would be on there. And if I was going by albums, then The Killers and The Strokes would've made it.
But this is my blog. So I get to make up what I want :)
Welcome back, btw.

Anonymous said...

LINK ME UP!!! !!!