Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hip Hop Ya Don't Stop

After an incredibly tame NYE, I went clubbing with my friends on the 1st as a sort of substitute. In terms of logistics, it went remarkably well- no traffic jams, no massive crowds, no ridiculous cover charges. Unfortunately, also no ace music, so I was a bit hesitant… Come three hours and one drink later, I’m getting down to The Beatles’ I Saw Her Standing There and wondering what on earth happened to my ‘ I don’t dance to anything but breaks’ rule. The retro-room at Zouk started getting totally packed (?!~#@), so my friends and I wandered into Ghetto Heaven next door (*sigh* yes, Ghetto Heaven. Its Shalini-from-the-block, y’all).
Then I get dragged onto a virtually empty dance floor, am terrified at the sheer volume of bad-ass FUBU-clad mofo-wannabes everywhere, but after a few minutes I realize I’m actually having loads of fun. The DJ is playing loads of tracks from like 5 years ago, which is probably pissing off the rest of the crowd, but suits me just fine since it takes me back to my hiphop roots :P I’m actually singing along, waving my hands in the air like I just don’t care (I know some of you really want to punch me right now).. and I’m not dissing anyone’s dress sense or lack of rhythm, not even in my head! It seems every indie rock event I’ve been to the last year has been totally pretentious and self-involved in comparison.

So this leads on nicely to my point… this year, I think I’m going to try to be less inhibited and caught up with what others think… without any chemical enhancement, too.
Happy New Year, everybody!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like fun. I went to see The Zutons the other night. I wasn't going to, but then everyone who came back from Fall's said they were awesome, so I went. And they were awesome!

The End.

Anonymous said...

Arani and I were just dancing to that old 80s 'funkytown' song in the car heehee

Suds said...

You know, considering that you spent NYE in Ghetto Heaven and then dragged me to Ghetto Heaven at Zouk the very next week seems to hint that maybe you like hip hop and r&b a little more than you're letting on...

panini said...

I do like hiphop, its R&B I can't stand. Besides, dragging you there was lots of fun for me! The look on your face when you saw the word Ghetto, heeheeheeheehee.

Suds said...

Yes I had to put on a brave face, luckily your other friends were cool (otherwise I would totally have started messing with the malaysian jerks).