Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm back on da net, baby!!

Did you miss me?
After a very protracted absence, I'm finally back on the net... my modem arrived this morning! Stupid courier people made me take a day off work to be at home to get it. Grr. Not that I ever mind overmuch having to take a day off. My team is very understanding as my reg is in the exact same position- he's waiting for his modem from iPrimus. HAH, Sucks to you!! You are netless and I am not!! I've had to entertain myself in other ways... mostly interior-decorating- this is a dream come troo for me. I'm afraid in a few weeks I will no longer have an excuse to spend my Saturdays trawling through interior design stores. Please please please, avail yourself of my services!!! I've created a habit that needs to be fed! In fact, I think my shopping mojo has transferred itself from clothes to homeware... I tried to find an outfit for the races today and didn't even feel remotely excited...the mission was entirely unsuccessful. Everything just looks sooooo-oh skanky. I want to be covered up. I want a fitted bodice, I want a full-skirted voluminous creamy fluffy thing(or maybe I just want dessert?)
Anyway, with the addition of da web, my home is finally complete- housewarming this weekend, folkses. You're all invited (except the stalkers who are reading this...you don't know where I live...do you?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do know where you live....

