Saturday, November 04, 2006

Christmas is Coming!!

I heard my very first christmas song of the year the other day- I dunno, does Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' qualify as a carol?? I was sitting in my GP's waiting room, surreptitiously singing along while trying to hide the fact I was singing in public AND that I knew all the lyrics.

The ghastly plastic tree has gone up in front of the Westin.
And Bed Bath and Table has brought out their full range of cutesy little stocking stuffy things.

A friend I was with was remarking on the 'shameless consumerism' Christmas has become associated with. I for one, love the shameless consumerism. I am a shameless consumer, so what better reason to spend my $$$ than Christmassy things? They're shinyyy and pretty and they make me feel good. What's not to like?

I'm breaking out my Xmas Itunes playlist. Christmas is coming!!!

PS. Those red drop baubly things are $9 from Ikea.


Anonymous said...

I hate Christmas!

Bah humbug!

panini said...

i am NOT a cry-baby!!!! i NEVER cry in movies!!! gaaaaah *fist-shaking*

and don't you 'i-hate-christmas' me.... who wants to get in on the Kris Kringle, huh???

presents, feasts, carols and shoppingggg to da max. what do you mean, you no like. crazee.