Saturday, December 02, 2006

Be My Hero?

As the crazy crazy grad-period is now over, I can rest and relax and return to my inert equilibrium, the sloth-like state that nature intended.
Truth be told, today is day one, and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

I make a list.

1. Watch d/l episodes of Heroes

2. Watch d/l episodes of Next Top Model

3. Watch d/l episodes of Amazing Race
4. Watch DVDs of Carnivale
5. Watch DVDs
6. Wash hair. Again.

Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Heroes it is. You gotta watch, peoples. Is DA BOMB...
PS. If anyone has a look at their grad mag, I DID NOT send in that photo for my profile!


Anonymous said...

I know! So far I have:
- Cleaned
- Shopped

Which is generally what I spend my whole holidays doing. Today I plan to vacuum, and clean the bathroom.

In other news, dad bought a house in Heidelberg/Eaglemont, so I now have a place to live next year! That was much easier than anticipated.

Also, did you know that Laura's parents have an apartment in Hawthorn and were looking for a tenant when you were looking for a place? The benefits of communication!

panini said...

No, I did not know Laura's parents had a place in Hawthorn :( Alas. Nevermind, worked out in the end.

Today I cleaned also. And bought a microwave.

Beck, what are we going to doooooooooooooooo?