Friday, February 09, 2007

Primavera Estate

Back in Melbourne, and one whole month of work is gone. I'm beginning to get over the novelty of it, and it's actually beginning to be just a job- no palpitations, no tremors. Just A Job. I go back to emergency in a couple of weeks though, so I suppose this feeling is only short lived.

I watched a movie the other day that really surprised me. The Last Kiss isn't out everywhere yet, but when it is, you should just ignore the teen-trash title and go see it. It made me think and feel quite a lot.

Also, Air's new album, Pocket Symphony, is absolutely divine.

I miss beauty a little bit. My life is not aesthetically pleasing, there are no pretty things, no shiny things, no breath-taking or jaw-dropping in my every day. Coming back to the city is good for my soul, I miss the architecture and the galleries and the lovely long cold afternoons.

When I was little, maybe eight or nine, I remember coming home from school on the bus, and looking out of the window, the wind blowing my hair (it was long then). And I remember thinking, I am content now. I am not happy, but I am content. Happiness is fleeting, it comes unexpectedly and it goes, and I do not have it right now, but I like this contentedness. It's safe.

I walked past Gucci on Collins the other day and had to actually stop and look at a dress in the window. It was purpley and brown and floaty and delicious. But then I walked back the next week to visit it and it was gone.I looked for it on the internet, and I found some more other dresses from their spring summer collection, but I could not find my dress. Alas. Twas fleeting too, and it has flown.

Current reading: Michael Crichton 'Next'
Current listening: Air 'Pocket Symphony', Arcade Fire 'Neon Bible'
Current mood: Content

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