Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Glenelg is a palindrome

Thank you for informing me of that, Beck.

So I just got back from Adelaide yesterday. It was a holiday on a whim, and it was lovely and perfect. I did lots of shopping- girls in Adelaide do not seem to appreciate vintage (yaay for them!). An obscene amount of shopping really, my bank account is in shock, and I am not
allowed to buy a single thing till annual leave in Bangkok in July. PROMISE!
I loved loved loved my hotel room. I watched lots of Foxtel, jumped in and out of sauna + plunge pool.!. ENDLESS entertainment! thermoregulation is fun!! Also, my hotel was right on the shores of Glenelg and the gorgeous Indian ocean, so I got to live the cliche of 'moonlit walks on the beach'. I had the whole place to myself, people don't seem to like sand after sunset. Again, yaay for me.

I also popped into the Haigh's factory for scrumptious offcut choccies... I got champagne truffles, and dark chocolate + ginger, and dark chocolate + scorched almonds. MmmMMM. And I found FRESH FIGS in the Central Market!!! I was so excited, I bought half a kilo. I lugged them around with me all day in the 32 degree heat...meep. I finally ate them in the Japanese
Himeji gardens, next to one of those mini-waterfall rock garden thing and a tea pavilion pagoda. Very surreal.

Adelaide's Contemporary Art Centre of SA was really weird. It was in a house in the middle of a residential neighbourhood, for one. I opened the front door of the house (labelled 'GALLERY ENTRANCE' very mysteriously), and fo
und myself in a pitch black room with a video documentary playing in the middle and a little wooden bench and nothing else. I was confused and scared. I almost left, until a girl came running out after me and accosted me on the front lawn...she gave me instructions on how to proceed through the curtains in the back of the room. It was all very strange. I don't have a great deal of tolerance for video art. I sat in another pitch black room, alone, for five whole minutes watching a lost man in a bear suit wander around the streets of Berlin. It looked bewildered. But twas nowhere near as bewildered as I.

All in all, Adelaide was great. As my plane was taxiing off the runway, I looked out the window and saw a giant upright koala bear holding up a route flag marker on the tarmac. Yeah. Maybe all of Adelaide is in an art festival?

The rest of my six-days-off have been equally splendid. Beck and I went to St Jerome's on the Sunday. Totally friggin awesome, baby. Really and truly. The Walkmen were the highlight of the night for me, coz I love them so. But Peter Bjorn and John were their charismatic Swedish selves, and performed a fantastic rendition of 'Up Against The Wall'. Very BlocParty. And Youth Group was the surprise of the evening, I had no idea they were so good. The Crayon Fields were incredibly cute and socially challenged, you just wanted to go up and hug them. Everyone went off to the Midnight Juggernauts at the end of the night, so much for the standing around and not-dancing, people were dancing like there was no tomorrow!! Whee!! Made me all nostalgic for our dancing days of yore :( Its been yonks since I've gone to Street Party or Panic or ClickClick or anything *sigh* The shot above is courtesy of Ben Loveridge off Flickr, by the way. Peter Bjorn and John, as dusk falls :)

I've been really enjoying the new indie music that's out at the moment. According to wikipedia, the type of music I love is 'DiscoPunk' or 'Dance-punk'. NME has also come up with the term 'New Rave'. Right.
Nevertheless, wiki lists almost all the artists I absolutely love, so its good to have a label for the genre...this means I can more effectively download :) My new favourite bands that are currently doing double-time on my iTunes are
Tokyo Police Club (really really good. like a cross between Th
e Strokes and Postal Service)
Whitest Boy Alive (DJ Erland Oye's new band!)
Mika (I know he's more pop than indie, but I can't get enough of Lollipop!!)

Meanwhile, I've been playing these tracks on repeat over and over and over again. Please chk-chk-chk it...

Razorlight 'Before I Fall To Pieces' I'm sure tis soon to be on a mobile phone/ soft drink/ hybrid car ad near you

SIA 'Pictures' When is this going to be on Grey's Anatomy?

The Rapture 'Whoo! Alright- Yeah ... Uh Huh' Omg. They sound like me. Plus I really love the lyrics... "
People don't dance no more, they just stand around like this:
They cross their arms and stare you down and drink and moan and diss"

Hell yeah. Not if they're listening to The Rapture, they don't.

Back to work tomorrow. I've almost tricked myself into thinking I'm an art student again. If only :( The weekend shift is good though, I will have another four days off next week.

I've been too lazy to upload my shots from St Jerome's, or Adelaide, or even from Bairnsdale. I will. Soon. When I'm back in Melbourne, yeah? Counting the minutes. Auf wiedersehn pets.

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