Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm back in Melbourne! Woo! Have been back for a week now, and am still ecstatic. Haven't had much work yet, as am rostered on all weekend, so its been a bit of a holiday at home.
Have done too much since my last post to really do any of it justice, so this is just a v. quick catchup...

Jarvis + Phoenix @ The Forum

SO SO friggin awesome!! Phoenix were even
better than I expected.. I've been waiting for about three years to see them live, and they were incredible. I don't know any other band that can keep an audience entranced with an entirely instrumental track. And of course, their charisma and Parisian charm ... 'Merci, merci beaucoup' ... didn't hurt either. Jarvis was a stand-up show + live music act rolled into one. Hilarious :) I don't even like his music that much, but was more than happy just watching. So, pretty much the best gig I've been to since... gaaaaah, St Jerome's was pretty good...but yes, this was better. I heart Phoenix so much my heart almost explodes.

new07 at ACCA

A bit confusing. Damiano Bertoli in particular, v. confusing... although I quite enjoyed his little glowing god-of-prosperity in a staring contest with a mountain. I thought Anastasia Klose's video art was cute and touching and twee. Anyway, why read my review when you can read this one.

Chapel St Shopping
I had the day off, so I decided to wander down the Windsor end of Chapel St, and had an amazing morning. I hadn't been down this end of town in ages, so there was lots and lots and lots of undiscovered treasure and unplumbed depths of exciting goodness. And topped it all off with chips from Grill'd. I feel far too guilty to list my purchases, so instead, I shall list the shops in the hope that one of you will also go forth and do damage. Your guilt alleviates my guilt.

- Creamy Velvet
- Shappere
- Shag
- Genki
- Chapel St Bazaar
- Queen Clothing

Pics from the Country... more on my flickr

Coming soon....

- Panic!
- Best of V: The Pet Shop Boys, Groove Armada, Gnarls Barkley, The Rapture
- Tsumori Chisato Spring 2007

Currently reading: Let The Right One In (John Ajvide Lindqvist)
Currently listening: Colour The Small One (Sia)
Current mood: Doooooom. Four days of work starting tmrw. Grr. Do not get ill, and if you do, do not come in to A&E at Maroondah.

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