Sunday, April 01, 2007

I Need To Let Another One In..

I've been reading a really really good book- I've been lost in it for the last three days, and now it looks like the end is nigh. I'm starting to panic. Please, please, please. Someone has to tell me what to read next, the withdrawal will just be too much.

The book is Let The Right One In, by John Ajvide Lindqvist.
So you too can lose yourself.

Please help.

Link of the Day: GmailPaper!


Unknown said...

I just read 'extremely loud and incredible close'. I know that I am a little behind in just reading this book, but I hated another book of his that I read, so I was reluctant. But this one is good!

Also, I'm in the middle of 'The Human Stain' by Phillip Roth - very good.

And anything by Margaret Atwood I love.

Hope work's treating you well - I have to go back today after a long break. It sucks.

panini said...

Oh :( I've already read Extremely Loud. I attempted to read 'Everything Is Illuminated' and couldn't- I'm assuming that's the one you hated?

Ah. Perhaps I shall try The Human Stain. Thank you kindly. And yes, I have been meaning to read something, anything by Margaret Atwood- any recommendations for first go?

Work is not treating me well. But I have today off. It is good.

Unknown said...

Well, where to start with Margaret Atwood? So hard to choose! My personal favourite is The Edible Woman, but that can be kind of hard to find.

I also liked Oryx and Crake, but that is science-fictiony. Alias Grace is also good.

I am on annual leave now. Yippee! I hate ED. I'm off to Tassie tomorrow - see you in two weeks!